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User Information

OAuth Client Settings



A GNU social Client


You'll need to register this as an OAuth application on your server. In another tab/window, go to:


And fill-out the form. All fields need to be filled with something — you can fill them with whatever you want, except the Callback URL, which needs to be set to (or, you can download this client and install it on your own web space and set that as the callback URL). The type of app should be set to Browser, and if you want to post notices you'll need to select Read-write access.

After you've saved those settings, you'll be shown a list of OAuth applications that you've registered. Click on the one you just registered to see the Consumer key and Consumer secret for the application. Then, back here in ÆGNUS, click the gear (⚙) in the upper-right to open the settings panel. Fill-in your GNU social user name and server, and copy/paste the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret into the corresponding fields. At that point, you should be able to hit the OAuth Sign-in button, authorize the app, and then play around with it.

A word on CORS proxies

This client requires a CORS proxy because most GNU social nodes are not returning an 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *' header on lots of API endpoints, so the Single Origin Policy disallows loading of resources from those endpoints. That's irksome, but easily worked around. By default, this will use to proxy requests, which is very handy to have available, but there are a couple of problems with it: first, It goes down sometimes; second, it sends back an 'Expires:' header dated 24 hours in the future, so your browser will cache proxied requests for that long — thus, once you read a network-wide conversation, it won't update for 24 hours!

I just run a local CORS proxy, which is extremely simple if you have Node.js installed: download the software from, edit the index.js file to either set the expiry time on the Expires: header to a much smaller number, or comment it out entirely, then run it in the background with 'env node ./index.js &'. You can then change the CORS proxy setting in ÆGNUS to 'http://localhost:8080/' and everything should be peachy.


Oh, there's so much. Let's see...

  • Repeats
  • Make searches work (curse you, heterogeneous response formats)
  • Make WebFinger mentions work for remote users
  • Groups: search, list, join/leave...
  • People: search, list, follow/unfollow...
  • File uploads
  • Modify user profile/avatar
  • Read remote timelines
  • Timeline filtering (by post type, content, etc) WORKING! G6L.0511
  • Show recipients in full header view
  • ...and probably a few dozen other things.